Saturday, August 16, 2008


Whether it be stories, rants, letters or essays I've always enjoyed writing but never have I ever gotten the hang of poetry. For a while back in middle school I tried to enjoy reading poetry, reading Frost and other such 'pop' poets but writing poetry is a skill I've never gotten. I always dread poetry sections in my English classes because I'm so self conscious of my lack of skill and indeed my lack of understanding the deeper meaning behind most poetry. For lack of a better word poetry is my crux, even yet I've tried it once or twice. The one and only poem I've ever written that I didn't hate is far from good and in fact it didn't even get an A in the class I wrote it for. Well there isn't much history behind it, I was a sophomore and we were doing a poetry section in my English class. To my dismay, our teacher assigned us a poem for the weekend. Oh how I slaved over these nine lines. Love it or hate it I figured I'd share it here cause, well, I think every writer should try their hand at something they find difficult here's mine. I may try again in the near future but even if I do no guarantees it'll show up here. So here it is, Longing Love.

I long to hear your lovely voice
Drifting through the summer air,
Touching your cheek I am fulfilled
But without your love I am lost.
When I look into your eyes the world melts away
Leaving an ocean of love that envelops me.
If I ever lost you
It would be like someone shot a hole through my soul
Just living without you would be like living without love: pointless.