First off its a very pretty browser, I must say, neat layout and such. It'll take some time to get used to the tabs being at the very top of the page but I think I like it more than where the tabs are in FireFox. It was really nice to install it and have it import all my info, bookmarks, search history, and such, to Chrome and damn it's fast. I figured that it was just my computer that was rather slow on the net, or even my net connection but the first time I loaded up Chrome it was noticeably faster than both IE 7 and FF 3.0.1. It lags a bit, as is expected, when loading a new page, but when it gets the cookies its loads the pages lightning fast. I've also noticed that it doesn't use as much CPU as either IE or FF which, from what little I know, is really good. I haven't really run any other applications in the background other than aim so I haven't seen a noticeable difference in app speed as some people have. Also combining the search bar and the web-address bar is absolutely brilliant, even more so you can customize which search engine you want to use. I set it up for Wiki because I use it to reference a lot but there's tons of options which show that google isn't too much of a whore XD. Even with all its positives there's some annoyances I have with it.
First let me say this: I'm a complete FireFox whore. I admit it. I love the add-ons, themes, and all the customization FF provides. I have 4 different themes I switch out depending on my mood, addons like WeatherFox, FoxyTunes, YahooMailNotifier just make my life easier. If I only used those things though I wouldn't have such a problem with Chrome. I've been using FF now for 3 or 4 years and for pretty much the entire time I've had AdBlockPlus installed. I guess I didn't realize just how, hmm, pampered I am. I seriously cannot stand ads on pages anymore, it honestly bothers me! Just recently I installed NoScript as well, which got rid of some of the other annoying crap that AdBlock misses. Seriously though, I can't even check my email on Chrome because yahoo is an ad whore, some of my favorite sites have god awful ads that until I opened them in Chrome I didn't even know existed. It's quite depressing I must say. Perhaps I can reacquaint myself with the annoying ads IE users face every time they open the net but it'll be hard. I did some finger work (har har) and found out that most likely google will roll out add-ons in the future but not for a little while, seeing as they need to make a mac and linux Chrome. The other major issue I have with chrome is the scrolling. On my laptop there's a little scroll bar on the touch pad that you can go up and down with but Chrome only lets you go down. You don't realize just how much you use something until you can no longer use it. Honestly, I scroll on like every page and its infuriating going too far down but not being able to go up without actually clicking the bar thing. I can wait but Chrome will have to deal with not being my default browser for a while. I'm sure I'll use it more and more but yeah.. those will keep it from being my first choice for a while. I'm sure they'll fix the scroll problem soon enough and they'll add the extensions eventually til then I'll only play with it now and then. Maybe I'll post from here on it since blogger is clean of annoying adds and I like the speed for the blog.
If you use IE switch. Just do it, you'll only gain from doing it. If you use FireFox heavily give Chrome some time. Its definitely worth downloading and checking out though.