So I had one of the most frustrating experiences today. It's a rather common experience to anyone who's read, nevertheless it's annoying! There I was, sitting comfortably on my bed, curled up under the covers reading—don't be jealous—and I was enjoying my book. Or so I thought…But then I reach a chapter and begin to get an odd sensation of déjà vu. I read a few more sentences and…GOD DAMN IT! I had already read that book. 86 pages in, which has to be a new record for me, but still. Such a waste of valuable reading time, and class time O:-) to be honest. Honestly, it made me so mad, because with school and work, and life in general my reading time is valuable! How on Earth did I forget a book SO much that I can read freaking 86 pages in before realizing? *Sigh* Like I said before, this is a very common thing, I can't tell you how many times I get people coming into my work and returning books because they've already read them without realizing. Lots of times this is the publishers fault, they'll reissue books under new covers and it throws people off. No such excuse for me, this was already on my shelf, while I was rearranging my shelves I saw it and went "hey wait I don't remember this book". So I read the back, flipped through it a bit, and put it on my "to read" shelf. I think this is partly Anne Rice's fault. By the way, since I didn't mention what book it was Blood Canticle, the last of the epic "Vampire Chronicles". In any case she's gone all super Christian on us—I know it's stupid, one of the greatest vampire authors "finding God"—after her husband died in 2002. Canticle was written in 2003, so its chalk full of religious crap, and she even goes as far as to try and "redeem" her greatest evil character, Lestat, and turn him into a Saint. A SAINT. Gah! Fucking shoot me! I'm not sure why I love her Chronicles so much, but I do, well I love the earlier ones. Partly cause the main character was vile, despicable, evil, selfish, and arrogant. He was the perfect "bad boy". I had kinda seen her going this way with the series after Memnoch the Devil, but I didn't think she'd ruin the character, or at least try. I'm really glad she failed, or at least she tried to stay true to his evilness, but it doesn't change the over the top amount of religious themes in her book. As such, I most likely skimmed over most of those parts making it so I couldn't remember them, at least not til a super memorable part 86 god damn pages in. Fuck. My. Life. I'm trying really, really hard not to rant about her turning all religious, but it still bugs. A lot. She no longer writes vampire books; instead she has a series about the life of Jesus. God, what a waste of such talent! She is, or was, one of my favorite authors, her skill at descriptions and gah just her style was amazing. I'm sure her Jesus books are well written, but the content is ugh! I should be okay for a little while with her yet, I still have her witch books to read, as well as the new tales of the vampires, and her mummy book, but after that *sigh*.
I think instead of ranting about her here, that I will write a Vampire post in the near future. No one really knows how much I'm into the whole vampire scene—not the goth/emo crap right now—but like literature wise. Obviously my favorite is Anne Rice, but I think I just love the concept of vampires. You'll see. Sorry about the mini rant here, I had to get this off my chest though!